Citizens Fiber Expands to Academy Hill

Citizens Fiber is happy to announce that we are taking commitments for Academy Hill in Greensburg. We’re excited to offer our internet, cable and telephone services in the Greensburg area. We’ve split the Academy Hill into three different zones, Academy Hill 1, Academy Hill 2, and Academy Hill 3. You can see if you are in a registration zone on our website at  

Registration requires a $25 deposit* that lets us know you’re serious about bringing fiber to your house and entitles you to these benefits: 

  1. Lock in your internet price FOR LIFE!** Your base internet price will be locked in and never increase. 
  1. FREE installation, a $99 savings. 
  1. The $25 will be fully refunded on your first bill! 

With every $25 commitment, the live count down our website for your Fiber Zone will tick down. Once we hit 0 commitments needed, construction will begin! 
*Refunded in the unlikely event Citizens does not build your area 

** Applies to gigabit internet pricing only. You cannot lock in pricing on broadband or premium pricing.  

We take pride in being your local alternative for internet, cable and phone services. While we want to build out other areas in Greensburg, we are only able to take commitments in the Academy Hill area at this time. If you are not in the Academy Hill area keep your eyes peeled for possible announcements regarding expansion. As always if you have any questions, please call us at 724-424-9048, or email us at