Author: Sarah

Analog Channels Removal

The time has come for the final step in discontinuing the analog cable system. A chapter in history is closing, as the original method of delivering cable TV has been replaced by updates in technology. Digital has replaced the original analog, and it is no longer possible for us to

COVID-19 Policy Updates

Updates – June 29, 2021 The mask mandate in Pennsylvania has been lifted, so we will no longer be requiring masks in our office. We look forwards to seeing  your smiling faces! Updates – May 20, 2021 The CDC has announced new COVID-19 safety guidelines. In response to these guidelines,

Fall Sun Outages

Every fall, interference from the sun has a brief impact on television reception. Sun outages occur when the sun passes behind a satellite that transmits television programming. During these mini-eclipses, the sun and the satellite are in line, and Citizens’ receiving antennas capture the signal from both, causing degradation in

Throttling Internet? Where We Stand

  Recently in the news, the topic of Net Neutrality has resurfaced, with concerns over reports that internet carriers are throttling internet traffic. The most common apps that experience throttling are YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video, according to research from Northeastern University and University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This type